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Brandon's Anime Ideas

Konichiwa minna! I'm Brandon and I love Anime!

Now that the introduction is out of the way I want to tell you all something! I will mke my own anime! So I wanted to make this post to share with you all an outline for the story, characters and world of my anime.

Far in the future, lots of things have happened. The calanders have been reset and the world is reborn. This is a world far different from the world you or I know, from the time when humans walked the earth or sailed the on its waters. No. That time has long passed...

Our story begins with a young boy. His name? Blue. Blue has a dream and a friend. His dream? To sail out to sea, meet new people, have adventures and find the legendary island of Eden.

Will he succeed? Well you'll just have to wait and find out! ;)

Here is a sneak peek:

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